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Are you ready to learn from a former interrogator who has hundreds of interrogations under her belt? Someone who got terrorists to trust her and give her the truth? Then, get ready for the...


Enhanced Interviewing & Negotiation Program with

TCG'S Enhanced Interviewing & Negotiation Program 




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This program will give you enviable confidence in the way you speak, interview, and negotiate. You will increase your awareness, earn respect, and influence the truth. You will learn how to analyze body language accurately, detect deceptive nonverbal indicators of stress and deception, identify verbal indicators of deception, examine written statements for deception, and carefully extract the truth using effective question types and questioning techniques. You will learn Lena’s negotiation tactics and how to positively influence others to be open and honest through rapport and other high-level intelligence techniques such as priming. You will take aspects of human behavior and leverage them to master a conversation with anyone regarding anything. Lena is an internationally known expert in interviewing and interrogation. She will guide you to be an expert too.


The SISCO Method:


You may or may not know that Lena was trained as an interrogator in 1999 by the US Marine Corps. Although she is a former Navy Intelligence Officer (prior-enlisted Navy Intelligence Specialist), she was a certified USMC interrogator. After 9/11, she was deployed to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to interrogate terrorists at Camp Delta. She learned very quickly that rapport got her information, truthful information. During that time, she created a new method of interviewing: a strategic, rapport-based, non-accusatory approach to gathering high-value intelligence information. And it delivered terrific results. She calls it the SISCO method (obviously!): Strategic Interviewing Skills & COmpetencies. 


There are six core competencies her interviewing method focuses on. They are: 


1. Using non-accusatory questioning techniques, instilling hope instead of futility, building rapport, gaining trust, being empathetic and non-judgmental


2. Obtaining truthful information, motivations, and intent – not just a confession


3. Remaining objective and aware to enhance focus, concentration, emotional control, and observation skills while eliminating assumptions, biases, and subjectivity


4. Avoiding the misinformation effect and false confessions 


5. Using the "Don't Tell, Ask" practice, never tell a person what they did or why they did it if you do not know


6. Accurately detect and assess to the best of your ability, using known and proven techniques, both verbal & nonverbal deceptive indicators.


Lena has been interrogating/interviewing since 2002 in prison, on T.V., in a courtroom, and in a boardroom. Her interviewing skills have helped her thoroughly analyze and investigate any situation to get to the truth. Whether she was working on a cold case, analyzing witness statements, or encouraging employees to open up when performing organizational change management, her skills always got her information.


You will learn how to expertly dig for facts and uncover deception. You will know when someone is trying to avoid being truthful or withholding pertinent information that can impact a critical decision you have to make. 


Whether you are an entrepreneur, a business analyst, an investigator, law enforcement, a health provider, in sales, a security officer, or a market analyst, her method of interviewing will prove to be a vital tool for you, for your safety, and your success. 


This 12-week program will teach you how to:


  • gain confidence, clarity, and increased self and situational awareness 

  • effectively manage your emotions and behaviors

  • thoroughly plan for your interview/conversation (using my interview flow and checklist)

  • profile other people to plan your approach strategy and build unbreakable trust and rapport

  • maintain your resiliency by knowing precisely what to say, how to say, and when to say it - never be at a loss for words

  • accurately analyze body language with precision - yours and others!

  • detect deceptive nonverbal indicators of stress and deception (because they are different!)

  • detect verbal indicators of deception and examine written statements for deception (you will learn SWAT (Statement and Word Analysis Training) 

  • negotiate using the BOND method - my principled tactics that will get you what you want every time

  • profile your negotiation partner using 8 Negotiation Partner Types (NPT) to increase your success rate

  • handle conversational challenges and avoid conflict with ease and grace

  • prime people for the truth and create a truth-telling environment

  • delicately handle the breaking point 

  • carefully extract the truth by using effective question types

  • expertly identify deception with questioning techniques

  • avoid false confessions 

  • avoid the misinformation effect

  • employ a strategic, non-accusatory investigative interviewing style by incorporating six core competencies

  • properly terminate every interview/conversation, leaving the interviewee primed for future cooperation.


This 12-week advanced program is hosted on Thinkific. Here is a list of the weekly session topics:


Week 1: Planning Considerations: 6 Core Competencies of the SISCO method, 5 Step R.E.B.L.E. process, the Motivation Equation

Week 2: R | Relax: Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, Personality Preferences, Communication Practices

Week 3: E | Establish Rapport and Maintain Resiliency

Week 4: B | Baseline Behaviors

Week 5: L | Look for Deviations - The Truths & Myths

Week 6: L | Look for Deviations - Deceptive Behaviors

Week 7: L | Look for Deviations - Deceptive Answers

Week 8: L | Look for Deviations - Statement Analysis

Week 9 & 10: E | Extract the Truth - The Lucky 7's of Questioning

Week 11: E | Extract the Truth - BOND Negotiation Tactics

Week 12: E | Extract the Truth - Negotiation Partner Types (NPTs)




To enroll in this training, you do not need prior knowledge of interrogation, interviewing, negotiation, body language, or detecting deception. You will need access to a computer and a strong Wi-Fi signal for weekly tag-up calls on Zoom (you do not need to purchase a Zoom account). You will need access to (free), MS Office, and video-playing software (QuickTime, VLC, etc.).


Every week, you will have homework assignments that should not take more than 5 hours of your time. Depending on your personal needs, you may spend more or less time on homework. Lena designed the homework to push you to practice and use the techniques you will learn. Practice leads to perfection!


What You'll Get


  • You will receive personalized training guided by Lena Sisco, who is recognized globally as an expert in deceptive analysis, interrogation and interviewing, negotiation, body language, enhanced communication, leadership competencies, and elicitation.

  • One-on-one coaching during the program every week.

  • Course certification.

  • A ton of course material!


Cost Investment


The 12-week program costs $6300 for tuition, all training and facilitation materials, your certificate, and personal one-on-one weekly coaching from Lena herself. If you pay in full, you will receive a 10% discount on the price, so your total cost is $5670. 


Now is your opportunity to not only master a sought-after soft skill but also to build upon your personal and professional goals and expand your network of opportunities.



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